viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Italy have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) aimed at strengthening political, scientific and technical relationships and promoting development co-operation partnership between the two parties.

The MOU was signed by acting CARICOM Secretary-General Ambassador Lolita Applewhaite and Ambassador Paolo Serpi of Italy at the CARICOM Secretariat in Guyana yesterday.

“The MOU is intended to develop the human resources of CARICOM in areas vital to the development of the economies of its Member States notably in the fields of trade negotiation skills and trade promotion and to develop the scientific and technical capacity of CARICOM,” said a statement from the Secretariat.

Some of the other areas identified include Tourism, Agriculture (including livestock, forestry and agro-industry), Fisheries, Mining, Climate Change, Scientific and Technological Research, Information and Communication Technology for Development and Health.

A Management Committee composed of representatives from both CARICOM and Italy will oversee analysis, revision and follow-up of the MOU as well as of any specific Memoranda which may be concluded arising from the original document.
Palabras clave: CARICOM, Italy, memorando de entendimiento
Publicado por: Caribbean 360

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